IT & Security

Cyber Security Tips for Students at Home and in School 

Digital technology is growing rapidly and will continue to do so in the future. In the next few years, every aspect of our lives will involve a digital element. This includes the stores, schooling, money transferring, movies, or your friends and family who are connected online with digital platforms.

These days, our digital lives are becoming increasingly easy to navigate but also risky. When you enter your passwords or ID, hackers with specific knowledge can take advantage of security weak points and steal your identity. 

Cyberattacks are becoming dominant, not among adults, but among children as well. Digital tools are now the norm for education, playing games and staying in direct contact with friends. Unfortunately, kids are tricked into participating in a game that urges them to commit wrong deeds. Sadly, they become a victim by completing dangerous game tasks. In this read, we will explain Cyber Security importance for students at home and at school.

Never Click a Link without any Reason 

While browsing online, one can find many links to click on, but not all links are safe. That is why it is important to only trust the links from a trusted source- like any secured website. Scammers and hackers will often use unknown ways in order to gain information from their victims. So be extra careful! 

In order to stay safe from scams like these, children should avoid clicking suspicious links and not reply to any messages sent by unexpected persons. 

Strengthen Your Password 

It can be hard for you to remember every online account that they have. As such, we recommend creating one password or username that you will use on all your sign-ups. 

Cyber-attacking is a constant threat. There is always a new cyberattack happening on different sites. It is likely that your account details will be compromised at one point or another due to the weakness in Cyber security.

Did you know a password manager can help create strong, unique, and different passwords for each website? Password manager preinstalls in the latest versions of every browser like opera browser, google chrome.  

Visit Only Encrypted Websites 

If you are searching for information online, it can take a long time to find what you need. When you are surfing on the internet, visiting from site to site and never paying attention to HTTP indicator is risky. Visit only HTTPS sites to provide secure communication. They enable an encrypted connection between your browser and the encrypted website. It means that no one will see your data- no hackers or spammers or third parties. 

On the other hand, HTTP websites never encrypt data and can easily hack. Google will warn you to enter an HTTP site. You can have a secure experience across all browsers on any device. When a server sends a web page to your browser, it is encrypted in the HTTPS case. That transparent information is readable by the sender and the viewer.

Never Overshare Personal information

We are living in an era where kids and adults have smartphones. This means that teaching them about internet safety should be crucial. Encourage your children to never share personal information such as their address on the internet. It reminds them that they should never talk to strangers online. 

When you post pictures online, it is important to stay cautious and keep them clear of any confidential information. For example, if you are excited to share your journey with your friends. But if one of the photos tells your address, strangers or cyber criminals could attack you.

Before signing up for any accounts or connecting any new apps to existing ones, take recommendations from reviews. Ask yourself why that app or website would need your personal information. 

Update your Softwares 

Computers, tablets, and phones have tremendous benefits. But they also create unrestricted access to cyber threats. Our devices have a lot of information about our online activities, personal data, and even banking and financial information. 

Software developers are always looking for ways to make our systems simpler and better for the user. Constantly tweaking, updating, and changing systems ensure protection from the latest cyber security issues. A business that regularly upgrades its hardware will also benefit from upgrading the software. In this way, you can preserve the integrity of machines and systems for upcoming programs of future years. 

Back-up Your Data

Backing up your data is the process of moving your information from an original location to a backup. It could include documents, photos, emails, address books, videos, machine specs, and even boot sectors. The goal behind backing up is to put your data in a secure location outside the computer. You will always have it when you require it. 

If your data becomes encrypted and unusable due to an attack, having a cloud backup in place is essential. Cloud backup services will help you recover your data and restore it to its original state. 

Moatsim Nasir

A tech enthusiast, writer, and innovator, with a passion for unraveling the complexities of the digital world. Armed with a keyboard and an insatiable curiosity, Moatsim embark on a journey through the ever-evolving landscape of technology, translating the intricate language of bits and bytes into accessible insights for tech aficionados and beginners alike

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